US Housing Starts Rise Above Forecast

US Housing Starts Rise Above Forecast

Housing starts in the US rose 5.7 percent from a month earlier to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1,235 thousand units in April 2019, more than an expected 1,205 thousand and

Following a revised 1.7 percent advance in March.


Calendar GMT Actual Previous Consensus TEForecast
2019-03-08 01:30 PM Housing Starts 1.23M 1.037M 1.197M 1.15M
2019-03-26 12:30 PM Housing Starts 1.162M 1.273M 1.213M 1.15M
2019-04-19 12:30 PM Housing Starts 1.139M 1.142M 1.23M 1.300M
2019-05-16 12:30 PM Housing Starts 1.235M 1.168M 1.205M 1.197M
2019-06-18 12:30 PM Housing Starts 1.235M
2019-07-17 12:30 PM Housing Starts 1.218M
2019-08-16 12:30 PM Housing Starts

Single-family homebuilding, which accounts for the largest share of the housing market, rose 6.2 percent to a rate of 854 thousand units in April and starts for the volatile multi-family housing segment advanced 4.7 percent to a rate of 381 thousand units. Increases in housing starts were recorded in the Northeast (84.6 percent to 144 thousand) and Midwest (42 percent to 186 thousand), while declines were seen in the South (-5.7 percent to 581 thousand) and West (-5.5 percent to 324 thousand). Starts for March were revised to 1,168 thousand from 1,139 thousand.

Building permits were up 0.6 percent to a rate of 1,296 thousand units in April, while markets had expected a 0.5 percent gain. Permits for the volatile multi-family housing segment increased 8.9 percent to 514 thousand, while single-family authorizations fell 4.2 percent to 782 thousand. Across regions, permits were higher in the West (5.3 percent to 339 thousand) and Midwest (2.2 percent to 188 thousand), but dropped in the Northeast (-4 percent to 120 thousand) and South (-1.2 percent to 649 thousand).